Thursday, April 30, 2020

25 Secrets Every Woman Keeps From Her Man

Each woman has a good measure of secrets they don't tell their partners at whatever expense it might seem. Though most of those secrets would certainly change the way things are in the relationship if revealed. So what the secrets women don't want to know about men? Fasten men's seat belts! As we reveal 25 secrets every woman will never tell her man.

1. Even if we think we do not, we love publicity.

2. We may be attracted to a very attractive person, but in the end we melt for the actions of gentlemen. A loving human who cuddles us.

3. If we know you're into someone else, we hate competitions, we quit.

4. By definition we're possessive and get jealous when you're talking to some other pretty girl.

5. While we can ask you for dates or schedule something, spend money, being independent and equality, but inside we still love it when you first make efforts. It's making us melt.

6. We love surprises, whatever that might be. We do. They do.

7. We talk to our best friends (Girl best friend) 8 about our crushes and their behaviour. We love it when you place our hands together and move along.

8. We love it when you place our hands together and move along.

9. We just love kisses. Kiss of the forehead, Lip kiss, Kiss of the ear, Kiss of the ass.

10. We don't like when you're not told that you look good enough, that you're not fat.

11. When you inquire about our height or weight we don't like it.

12. We do not like the boy of mum. We still want the right decision to be made by a wise and responsible man. It impresses a great deal on us.

13. We hate it when you come across several women who are interested in you. The least we are interested in is.

14. Women watch the porn, sometimes they just don't admit it.

15. We note all about you, your actions towards other people, your waiter, your life opinions and the future.

16. Even if we love you, we'd like you to propose us first: P.

17. We don't easily give up on a guy we love but once we're set, no matter what you're doing, we're never back.

18. During PMSing (in general) we love chocolates and are supremely emotional. We lament over little things.

19. When a guy has a crush on us we can easily find out. We respond sometimes, sometimes we don’t.

20. We love to wear deodorant, we also test your dressing sense.

21. We might say it is cheesy but we don't mind cheesy lines from a guy we like.

22. We don't like a guy who still argues that women are Gold Diggers or Middle etc. Not all is exactly the same.

23. We love the gesture when you take time out of your busy schedule and chat to us before you sleep for just 10 minutes. Basically, when you leave your comfort zone and do something for us, we love it.

24. We do love flowers and kisses. Either way it looks cliche. We do. They do.

25. We love it when you have our hair to play with. Detangle them.

Thank you.

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