Sunday, April 19, 2020

Tacha's tweet that got Nigerians nerves

The former house mate of Big Brother Naija reality television show season four and also known as queen of Titans. Has gotten into the trouble of Nigerian with her twitter after she made some polemical tweet.

The first lady of Port Harcourt dropped an address as she use to, to her fan on twitter. Asking why is Tasha is trending on twitter instead of Tacha.
The Queen of Titans replied that most influencers cannot spell correctly. 

The fulsome tweet she made on Thursday afternoon; has made a lot to go and dig out the photo of where she committed her grammatical error. When she was on Big Brother Naija reality television show season four. 

Some of the Nigerians who tweeted, told her to concentrate and remove what's in her own eyes before removing that in another. 

See prove below:

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