Do you constantly struggle in some way with sleep? Do you have trouble getting or staying asleep? Do you wake in the middle of the night unable to return to sleep, or wake in the morning feeling as if you never really slept at all? Or maybe you've even been told that you exhibit strange behaviors during sleep. Do you feel tired and worn down nearly everyday? If so, you might just have a sleep disorder.
Approximately 80 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder. And while there are over 70 recognized sleep disorders, some are much more prevalent than others. Here we describe the seven most common sleep disorders that could be robbing you of quality sleep.
Insomnia is by far the most common sleep disorder with approximately half of all people having experienced symptoms occasionally, and about 10% of Americans reporting suffering from chronic insomnia.
Insomnia is characterized as having poor sleep quality due to one or more of the following:
Difficulty going to sleep at night
Waking often in the middle of the night with trouble returning to sleep
Waking earlier in the morning that planned or desired
Losing quality sleep regularly can lead to many troubles and difficulties experienced during the day. Some of the reported symptoms of insomnia are:
Feeling as if sleep was unrefreshing (non-restorative).
Experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness.
General lack of energy.
Difficulty concentrating.
Mood and behavior disturbances such as irritability, aggression, and impulsive behaviors.
Difficulty concentrating.
Decreased performance at work or school.
Troubles in personal and professional relationships.
Having accidents at work or while driving fatigued.
Decreased quality of life.
Classifying insomnia varies on how long symptoms last and how often they occur. Acute insomnia is experiencing sleep loss over a short period of time, from one night to a few weeks. Chronic insomnia is when poor sleep quality occurs at least 3 nights a week for a month or longer.
Causes: can vary from being associated with a medical or psychiatric problem, environmental influences, stress and worry, or simply occurring without reason.
Some types of insomnia resolve when the underlying cause is treated or wears off. In general, insomnia treatment focuses on determining the cause.
Once identified, this underlying cause can be properly treated or corrected.
In addition to treating the underlying cause of insomnia, both medical and non-pharmacological (behavioral) treatments may be used as therapies.
Non-pharmacological approaches include cognitive behaviorlal therapy (CBT) in one-on-one counseling sessions or group therapy:
Medical treatments for insomnia include:
prescription sleeping pills
sleep aids available online or over-the-counter
melatonin, which can be purchased online
Causes: complete or partial blockage of the throat.
Symptoms: Daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, and—as any person who has attempted to sleep beside someone with apnea can attest—excessively loud snoring. Apnea may cause you to stop breathing multiple times per night. Oddly enough, most people who have apnea don’t realize there’s a problem until someone tells them. Bob Russo, an IT software project manager, was diagnosed with apnea 10 years ago. He only went to a specialist after his wife not so subtly informed Russo that he wasn’t getting sleep because of the snoring. “When you live with something for so long, it’s just normal when you wake up with a headache, or you fall asleep in a movie. But those are signs. So when I read the list I said ‘I guess I do have this.’ I thought I was resting and feeling well,” said Russo.
Treatment: The most common treatment for apnea is a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine, which keeps a person’s throat open via a steady stream of air.
Occurrence: About one in five adults suffer from at least a mild form of apnea.
Causes: Experts aren’t sure what causes RLS, but theorize that it’s hereditary. Medications have also been known to cause RLS. Pregnant women sometimes suffer from RLS.
Symptoms: An irresistible urge to move the limbs, not just legs. Often occurs in the evening or during periods of rest. Neubauer says that those who have RLS can kick or move hundreds of times a night, every single night.
Treatment: Regular exercise; reduction in caffeine and alcohol. For severe cases, medication can be prescribed.
Occurrence: About 10% of the population suffers from RLS. It’s more common in women.
Causes: Abnormalities in the parts of the brain that control REM sleep.
Symptoms: While people with narcolepsy can suddenly fall asleep at the most inopportune moments, most spend their days in a weird middle ground of sleep. “They don’t have a differentiation between wide awake and sleeping,” says Neubauer. Jenn Coleman, an administrative assistant in DC with narcolepsy, laments that she is unable to stay awake during even the most stimulating environments, like Vegas trips and concerts. Those with narcolepsy can also suffer from cataplexy, a condition that leads to fainting-like episodes brought on by emotional reactions to anything from a song to a joke.
Treatment: Medication is often advised.
Occurrence: Less than 200,000 adults are diagnosed per year.
Causes: Lack of sleep or inefficient sleep. Some medications. Illness or fever.
Symptoms: Walking while sleeping. Other signs are difficulty waking and abusing Danishes in the middle of the night. “One night I woke up standing in the kitchen over a mangled box of apple Danish,” explains Todd Schultz, a 34-year-old nurse and frequent sleepwalker. “Apparently I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, and then brought it to the kitchen and used it as a fork to eat the Danish.”
Treatment: Reducing liquids near bedtime. A quiet sleep environment and maintaining a regular sleep schedule.
Occurrences: Other than tales of assaulting baked goods, an interesting aspect of sleepwalking is that it’s most common in children, and no one is quite sure why. Neubauer’s theory is that it has something to do with brain development. “There seems to be vulnerability when switching gears between deeper sleep and lighter levels of sleep,” he explains. “Almost like they slip gears and fall into sleep limbo.”
Causes: Sleep deprivation, illness and/or, some medications.
Symptoms: Screaming and violent, short bursts of movement during sleep. When a person has a sleep terror episode they aren’t fully awake, therefore it can be extremely difficult to calm them down once they do wake up. Also, despite the name, sleep terrors and nightmares aren’t that similar. “Nightmares have an emotional narrative; sleep terrors are often simply a very crystallized notion of fear and danger,” explains Neubauer.
Treatment: Improve sleep environment, medication is given if the terrors are extreme.
Occurrences: Most commonly impacts children; few adults suffer from this disorder. Those with PTSD are more likely to suffer from sleep terrors.
Causes: Most experts blame excessive stress and anxiety.
Symptoms: Headaches and/or a sore jaw when waking in the morning. Complaints from annoyed bedmates.
Treatment: Avoiding chewing any items that aren’t food, as it trains the jaw to clench. Most people with bruxism end up getting fitted with a mouth guard that can be provided by a dentist.
Occurrence: About 45 million Americans.
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