Friday, May 15, 2020

JUNGLE JUSTICE (A Letter to the Masses)

Dear Citizens,
Masses, yes the entire populace on the streets
You see a fellow like you
Caught red-handed in the act or ‘acclaimed’ to by an alarm
Without second thought you become a divided house
And practice justice unjustly, is that still justice?
You accuse politicians, lawyers and the police of injustice
But yours is not any better
Your injustice is so primitive, unreasonable and ridiculous that I leave it in the jungle

Jungle justice!
You become terrorists overnight
Beating a thief to death and burning a person to ashes
You leave your work-shop after complaining of government’s bad laws
You run with speed and enthusiasm to any site you hear ‘ole!’  ‘Thief!’
You catch them like a spider in his web.
Then you do your own justice.
You keep your hearts shut
And your heads strong as you beat him
Strip him naked and show no mercy

When did you turn policemen?
You forgot he is a street boy hustling to eat like you
Couldn’t you sit him down and warn him
Talk sense into him to teach him he is stealing from people who don’t have
Oh masses I hate the jungle justice
You lack education but not human sympathy
You lack academic qualifications but not a functioning conscience

Did you sell your hearts for a chicken change?
Because when I see you on TV performing your own justice
No attorneys, no judges, your adjudication is wrong.
No sittings, no adjournment, no hearings
You are the worst lawyers yet you point at other corrupt judges
Look at the pot calling the kettle black
What intellectual quakes?

Jungle justice must stop.
If you catch a criminal, report him
If you see an evil, report it
Don’t dress it, address it to the authorities and when necessary seek redress.

Jungle justice must stop.
Remember the world is sophisticated now
We don’t live in the jungle anymore;
Where there are no systems, order or authorities.

A divided masses can’t form a united government

(c) 2018 EliDiaries Media

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